925 Strong

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Help First

At 925, we aspire to follow a philosophy called “Help First,” which was coined by Chris Cooper from Two Brain Business. The idea, condensed, is to figure out what you can do to help someone most, regardless of whether it’s through something that benefits you or your business. “Help First” means we aim to thoroughly analyze what a person needs and decide if we can be the best help to them; if there is another organization or individual who can help them more, we seek to connect them with that solution.

We started 925 to help and encourage people and show them there is something far more important in life than simply changing their health or body composition.

925 is an abbreviation for 1st Corinthians 9:25: “Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.”

The writer of Corinthians, the apostle Paul, was observing the Greek culture around him and their relentless pursuit of perfection via physical training and self- discipline. Many were training for athletic games at that time and were great examples of dedication and determination. However, no matter how hard they worked or how successful they were, their formidable strength and prowess did not follow them after death. He emphasized how infinitely more important and long-lasting our spiritual impact is on the world and on our own eternal existence beyond this temporary world.

The" “help first” idea takes plays beautifully into this idea of influence and impact. For those of us utilizing exercise and a general lifestyle of health and fitness, we can use the strength we gain, both mentally and physically, to help those around us and find ways to help them do the same. We can give them our honest assessment of what they are looking for and where we believe, based on our expertise, will help them most.

No matter the area in which you personally interact with others, you will always find yourself with opportunities to try to help people in the way you believe is best for them based on the information, wisdom, and experience that you possess. Each time you take advantage of this opportunity, without any shred of self-interest, you’re embracing the “help first” mentality and doing something that makes a genuinely positive difference in the world, even if the specific deed or conversation seems trivial.

Whether we notice it or not, people take note of our kindness and concern, which may in turn inspire them to do likewise “unto others'“ when given the opportunity. We only have a small amount of time with which to bless others with our gifts, resources, time, and attention. We must use it wisely.

“We must use time wisely and forever realize that the time is always ripe to do right.” - Nelson Mandela

“In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity …”
- Titus 2:7