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Strategies to Increase Willpower (Part 2)

By Lydia Wallie, Nutrition Director

Here is strategy #2 to increase your willpower. Write it down and/or create a vision recording.

Practice writing down your goal every day so you solidify what you’re aiming for. Keep it in a visible area so you remember!

You can also create a vision recording with a voice recording app on your phone and schedule reminders in your calendar to listen to it so you remember what you’re aiming for. Write out what you want to be able to say at the end of a certain period of time and then record your voice with your favorite music in the background.


“Today is July 1 2021, and I am at 24% body fat. Every week, I meal prep and workout 4-5x. I have also reinforced my healthy stress management habits of… Because of these healthy habits, I’m now able to…”

What’s one goal that you will write down and/or create a vision recording for to support your health and wellness?

Looking for additional strategies for willpower? Read part 1 here.