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Are You Building Health or Building Disease?

By Lydia Wallie, Nutrition Director

What did you have for dinner last night? Think about what the ingredients were that made up your dinner. Then ask yourself, is this building health or building disease (dis-ease)? When we begin creating awareness of what we’re eating, then we can start to change for the better.

Take some time to consider the areas below and where you are in relation to health or disease.

  1. Attitude and Mindset. How is your relationship with food? Is there freedom or guilt associated with eating? Read more here.

  2. Heredity. We’re born with our genetics, however, some may use this as an excuse…”depression runs in the family”...”cancer runs in the family”...This may be true, but take the perspective of seeing it as a gift that you’re aware of what weaknesses you’re dealing with. Then, armed with this knowledge, you can take action towards supporting the body with habits connected to disease prevention. What are those habits? Schedule a Nutrition Session by emailing me at lydia_wallie@crossfit925.com.

  3. Food. What’s on your plate? Is it Whataburger? Or a homemade burger with homemade fries? Whatever is on the plate will support health or support disease.

  4. Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies. Even with healthy choices, it’s possible to become deficient in important vitamins and minerals (Vitamin C and Magnesium for example) due to stress or simply that the quality of our soil isn’t what it used to be. Are you aware of any symptoms of nutrient deficiencies?

  5. Artificial Food Additives. Certain food additives are so harmful they’ve been banned in other countries (1). Read your labels and choose accordingly. If you don’t know what an ingredient is, the best option is to move on.

Your last step is to rate your level of health on a scale of 1-10. What area from above do you most need to improve?

Source List:

(1) https://foodrevolution.org/blog/banned-ingredients-in-other-countries/