Find a Way

This week, I had the opportunity to sit down with someone who’s just started down a new path to health. They had started working on their nutrition as well as personal training with the end goal of staying motivated and consistent with workouts long term, ideally in group classes. Doing this would help them add years to their life by building positive new habits such as becoming more active and eating healthier.

However, a few sessions in, their body and joints were sore and working out seemed like it wasn’t going to work for them. A recommendation from their health care provider at a regular checkup was to “not do CrossFit.” We sat down to discuss a plan to keep utilizing their motivation and find out what steps we could take to help them reach their goals and improve their health.

As we talked about their goals, we kept nutrition as the focus, as there was a great deal of progress that could be made and it would have a direct positive effect on their health from day one.

We also talked about what movements they were concerned with and made a plan to do a PT session once a week, focusing on doing what movements they could do and see consistent progress in. We also added a day of “homework” consisting of a few things they could do at home to get a good sweat and ensure they would be regularly active. From there, we plan to reassess monthly and adjust as needed, with the goal of slowly but surely building health, fitness, and the ability to do more things they want to do in life, without being concerned with their health holding them back.

After many years of coaching, I’ve found that there is always a way to move forward. Sometimes, it may not look like what we might expect, but if we have a positive attitude and look at the things we can do, instead of the things we can’t, I can say with confidence there is always path forward.

Many times, life throws difficulties and setbacks in our path. They’re not easy to deal with in the moment and may seem insurmountable from our limited perspective. But, give them enough thought through a positive lense, and you’ll be surprised what you can do in a negative situation. Then, in the future, when other things get in your way or discourage you, you can look back on all the little things you accomplished and use those successes to fuel you through new challenges.

Just because something seems difficult or impossible to get past doesn’t mean it actually is. You can find a way through your obstacles, and, you’ll be stronger when you reach the other side. Often times, there is a reason we’re struggling with something, and the obstacle or difficulty is growing and sharpening us for what’s coming in the future. Be thankful for the struggles; without them, we wouldn’t be who we are today.

"Let your eyes look directly forward, and your gaze be straight before you.
Ponder the path of your feet; then all your ways will be sure." - Proverbs 4:25-26

"Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him." James 1:2

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