925 Strong

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The Best Step to Support Your Immune System

By Lydia Wallie, Nutrition Director

What do you do when you know you need to eat better, sleep better, and countless other things to effectively support your immune system...and still do all the other endless things that are necessary each day? How do you prioritize and make positive changes?

Stress and overwhelm characterize a majority of people in the 21st century...at least based on what I’ve observed. But one thing I remember from someone very wise in my life is these three words: Prioritize and Execute. This concept is taken from the book, “Extreme Ownership.” 

How does this apply to your health and immune system? If you’re overwhelmed and find it difficult to fathom changing ALL THE THINGS about your health, then taking it one step at a time may be the best approach. 

Step 1: Write down all the areas of your life and habits that need to change.

Step 2: Prioritize the list.

Step 3: Decide on a timeframe for working on the top item on your list. 

Step 4: Get the help you need to work on your habits, one at a time. Accountability is a gamechanger for reaching your goals. We offer Nutrition Coaching, small group CrossFit classes, and Personal Training at 925 Strong!

Are you ready to start healthy habits to support your immune system and overall wellness? Contact us for our customized Nutrition Coaching and Meal Planning Services to eat well and stay accountable!