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Interest Vs Commitment

By Ben Tyler, Owner and 925 Head Coach

I’ve been reading a book called “The 12 Week Year” by Brian Moran and Michael Lennington over the past few weeks. The focus of the book is getting back to being efficient with your time via looking at your year in 12 week sections rather than a full year at a time. It’s an interesting concept and seems to have quite a few benefits.

One of the chapters called “Interest Vs Commitment” hit close to home. At 925, we regularly come across people interested in change of some kind (it’s why they reach out to us in the first place). It could be to lose fat, gain muscle, build confidence, accomplish something difficult, or simply to be able to have fun working out. Each of these items is a change they are looking for 925 to help them accomplish.

The point made in the book deals with the difference between being interested, or even highly motivated to accomplish something (change) and actually executing (acting) to accomplish that change. There are many people who are willing to start something and casually commit to the idea of change, but there are few who will actually, day after day, rain or shine, hot, yes south Texas is much hotter than some ;), or cold, tired or not, do what is actually needed to accomplish the change they want. The book does a great job of defining how to effectively accomplish change, step by step, summarized in my own words (the book goes into much more detail):

  • Strong Desire: There needs to be a reason, and a strong one, usually emotionally connected to a reason why you have to make the change you want. It seems simple, but without a foundational reason, like fending off a trend of heart attacks in your family, or extending the time you have to spend with your kids, etc, its difficult to stay the course to your goal.

  • Keystone Actions: You must identify the things that need to happen for you to see your goal materialize. Is is working out a minimum of 4 times a week? Is it eating as directed for 6 out of 7 days or 8 weeks? Or, it could simply be blocking out time to be active 6 out of 7 days a week and leaving your phone in the car while you spend an hour taking care of yourself. These need to be defined before anything can happen.

  • Count the Costs: To accomplish something, there is always a cost. Time is incredibly valuable to everyone, and focused effort on keystone actions takes time. The costs need to be weighed and you must be able to accept them. If you can’t, you need to circle back to your strong desire and decide if it’s strong enough and the value you’re willing to give it.

  • Act on Commitments, not Feelings: This is a tough, but essential part of creating change. You have to separate yourself from how you feel. Is it 105 F and you think it’s too hot? Is it too early? Are you tired? Had a bad day? None of these things can be allowed to effect your action. Yes, if it’s hot outside you might have to slow down during a workout or a walk, if you’re tired, you may need to back down on the intensity or the amount you do, etc, but, you will still show up, and still make progress. We still go to work each day, regardless of how we feel, because the value of providing for our families and ourselves is worth it. The same goes for your goals. Show up, no matter what, and you will make progress.

There are many areas of life that are affected by our commitment and very few things materially changed by our interest. If you aren’t accomplishing change in an area of your life, take a step back through the list and see what you’re missing.

The quote below is also from the book, and perfectly suited to wrap this up:

"‘Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes; but no plans”

-Peter Drucker