925 Strong

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Meet 925 Ambassador: Tatiana Hemrich

Join us in welcoming one of our newest 925 Ambassadors, Tatiana Hemrich!

My CrossFit journey started when a friend introduced me to the Saturday Community WODs at CrossFit 925.  Although I would be intimidated at times by the movements, and in awe of the strength of those around me, I was highly intrigued, as I was simply a runner only at that stage in my life.  Although I did not sustain the Saturday classes, CF was remained in the back of my mind, but with my young son and a hectic work schedule, running was an ‘easier’ form of workout since I didn’t have to schedule set times, I could just get out and go whenever I was able.

Fast forward to my company launching a Wellness Program, and I immediately thought of a CrossFit box that would be an excellent partner! I was perhaps slightly frustrated at the timing, as I had recently broken my foot, and was in a boot; but the conversations I had with Ben certainly made me keen for the time that I could ditch the boot and hit the box with renewed energy.

Prior to my relaunch into CF, I was running easily 4-6 days a week, mostly short runs with a longer run on the weekend, or simply when my scheduled permitted.  I was curious to see how running and CF would fit together and was determined not to let running take a backseat.  In recent years, I faced some health issues, and was frustrated with the viewpoint of my primary physician who was taking more of a “wait and see” attitude, rather than a head-on, “how can we improve health the best way possible”.  Through my own education, and with counseling from my coach, I plowed ahead and increased strength training, reduced my running, and a took a renewed look at my nutrition. 

With normal wins and setbacks, I was buoyed by the results that I would experience as I went through my daily workouts.  After a small injury, and with the encouragement and support from my coach through goals sessions and quick chats before/after the WODs, I opted to sign up for 1-on-1 training, and I cannot even begin to describe how my overall performance and well-being skyrocketed!  I have to say, that even with the occasional ‘eh’ day, it was amazing to hear positive comments from the general public while out and about, and from fellow athletes about my muscle tone.  I don’t take compliments very well, but I would always be the first to say that the results don’t come without the work.

All that being said, I remained skeptical that less actual running and more strength training would bring improvements to my running, but I found that not only did I excel, but I was also able to add a few PRs to my run record.  For those naysayers that put weight training in the backseat, all I can say it, try it and you’ll see the improvements for yourself! All the effort pays off in spades, which I learned during long hikes this summer at Big Bend; with all those WODs in the brutal Texas afternoons in my back pocket, the heat and humidity at the park was just like another day at the box, just no wall-balls in sight!

Today I now find myself incorporating quick runs into my week, but not decreasing my CrossFit workouts; and I’m happy to say that the highs keep getting higher, and the lows are fewer and far between.  All this could not have been possible without the encouragement from the coaches, my fellow athletes, as well as the support from my amazing family.  And I’m happy to report that I can now add a CrossFit competition to my profile!  Dawn from our 0530 class convinced me to enter a team Masters competition, something which I had truly never even contemplated before.  The overall experience for our team, The Iron Maidens, was phenomenal, and to have our coaches and husbands cheering us on from the sidelines made our placement that much sweeter.  Plus we got the best compliment ever about our form during the multiple WODs that day.  To Dawn and me, that was the ultimate compliment in its highest form, straight from our coach’s mouth.  We’re still riding the high from the adrenaline, and we’ve been spurred ever upwards, knowing that we have the Finest coaches leading us on to our best fitness yet. 

Life moves quickly, and why not be in the best shape of your life in order to tackle whatever is thrown your way?  I’ve always been motivated to push for max effort, and it’s been completely satisfying to find the perfect environment in which to do so.  Each day is rewarded when class comes to an end, and I look around at my athlete family, and we’re all smiling, knowing what we just conquered.

Find your Tribe; I’ve found mine, and I’m excitedly looking forward to what the next day brings because I know without question, I can handle it.
