925 Strong

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Siang's Story


Almost 3 years ago I was at my heaviest of almost 200#.

I find myself getting tired all the time and harder to keep up with both my kids as a working mom.

Coming from a very strong family history of obesity and diabetes, I figured it was time to do something drastic.

I drove by CrossFit 925 several times a day for many months.  I had no idea what CrossFit was and decided to email Ben and find out if it was something I can do with my kids summer 3 years ago.  

I remembered the first introduction session, me and my son almost passed out 5 minutes into warm up.  

Now 3 years later, I am still at 925, introduced my whole family to CrossFit, I changed not only my lifestyle but my entire family.  

Friends approached me constantly asking what I am doing after seeing my result.  

My answer is always the same, be consistent at your exercise regimen, eat right and with time you will see the result.  It could be weeks, months, years or even a lifetime.

At 925, we are family and we get stronger together everyday.  We cheer and support each other through life events.  I have met some great people at 925.

Ben and Diana together with all the amazing coaches have became our friends and extended family in San Antonio.

Almost 3 years later, more than 50# lighter, lost bunch of dress sizes and inches,

I am still learning everyday at the gym to improve strength, endurance and fueling my body with ideal macro and micro nutrients so I can continue to gain muscle and maintain healthy living.

I encourage you to take the first step forward and the rest will be history.